4 ways to Battle the Negative in Your Network Marketing Business

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

If you’ve been in the network marketing business for at least a week, chances are you’ve had to battle negative.  Negative can come from a lot of different places.  You can get negative from your co-workers at work who you were trying to inform about your opportunity.  You can get negative from your friends and family, who maybe laugh at your new business venture.  Heck, you can even get negative from the media and the news.

Wherever it comes from, knowing how to deal with those feelings you get when you hear something less than stellar about your company is detrimental to your longevity in network marketing.  Here are a few things to add to your arsenal to keep you headed in the right direction.

1.  Know what you really want.

Why are you building a network marketing business in the first place?  This is key to remember when you’re facing opposition.  If you remember why your building it, nothing or no one can steal your cookie.  In my case, my husband and daughter are number one, and unless someone was going to pay my bills or get me out of debt, their opinion didn’t matter a bit to me.  Know the real reason you’re building your business, hold on to it, protect it, and never forget it.

2.  Don’t stoop to their level.

If you’re getting a slew of insults and incorrect facts getting thrown in your face, just walk away. It just isn’t worth your time or mental energy to argue facts with someone who has no real knowledge of what you do.  They will never understand, because they don’t want to, so why waste your valuable information on someone who really doesn’t want it.  If you do choose to respond, keep it short and sweet.   Maybe a simple “I’ll prove you wrong” will suffice and just leave the situation alone.

3.  Get your mind right daily.

Readers are leaders.  I heard this all through out my school career, but I don’t think I really understood what it meant until I got in business for myself.  Before business, the only thing I ever read was slutty romance novels! :)  Now I constantly read books that reinforce a successful mindset.  Reading is self talk.  It fills you up with the armor you need to guard against everything you’re going to encounter in your day.  Talk to your mentor, or even google the top books in self development/personal growth.  Get started on a personal growth program and fill your mind with positive everyday.  That way, you’ll be ready when that negative nellie comes along.

4.  Succeed anyway…

Have you ever heard the saying, success is the best revenge?  Well honestly, it is.  I love when people who I haven’t spoken to in a while, or even former business associates ask me “So hows that little business of yours going?”.  It’s almost like they want you to fail.  But if you push on and succeed anyway, you won’t have to say much.  They’ll know by the car you’re driving, or the fact that you’re not working a job anymore.  It’s not necessary to brag about your accomplishments, just let your success speak for you.  Not much else will be needed.

That’s all for now.  I’m sure there are a few more things you can think of to combat the naysayers out there.  What do you think?  Comment below.  I’d love to hear your responses!


Stay Classy!


The Darling Hat Diva



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