3 Reasons Your Network Marketing Business Isn’t Working…


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The cool thing about network marketing is that anyone can participate in it and succeed.  People come from all walks of life in network marketing- high school educated, college educated, young, old, you name it.  It doesn’t matter where you start, it’s all about where you’re going.  And if you’re willing to change a few things and dig in, anyone really can make it in network marketing.  I truly believe that.

However, over the past few years, I’ve discovered that there are several reasons why a lot of people don’t make it.  Now this may surprise you, but it usually never has anything to do with what most people think- a bad compensation plan or bad products.  Most network marketing companies that I’ve seen (and I’ve seen a ton) have great comp plans and products.  But if all it took was a great comp plan and products to make it in network marketing, then we would have a lot more people successful in the industry.  Obviously, it takes a lot more than that.

So I’ve compiled a list of the 3 main reasons I feel you may not be successful in your Network Marketing Company.  Of course, these are not the only reasons, I’m sure there are more, but these are the 3 that really stick out to me:

1.  You’re telling people too much.

The biggest thing I have to stop my new business partners from doing is telling their prospects everything.  I know they’re excited about their company and they think it’s the best thing since sliced bread, but the truth is, there’s a lot of negative about network marketing out there.  So while they’re blurting out the name of their company, their prospect is already running through their mental filing cabinet to retrieve the last bad thing they heard about the company or network marketing in general.

People have pre-conceived notions that they bring to the table in any situation.  Telling your prospect everything upfront activates those preconceived notions, and their already judging based on prior experiences or stories.  It doesn’t matter how great your company is, once your prospect associates your company with something negative, their not even listening anymore.

A key trick to avoid telling them too much, is to always be in a rush.  What I mean is, always leave your prospect wanting more from you.  Leave them before they have a chance to miss you! A great phrase I like to use is “Now isn’t the time or place” or “I have to run, now, but we can catch up and I can give you the details later”.  This way you can set up a time to have your prospect sit down with you or watch your company video.  From there can form an educated, objective view of your opportunity.

2.  You pitch your company or products to everyone you meet.

Have you ever had someone try to pitch their company to you?  Even after you said that you’re not interested they just keep going?  That is so ANNOYING!

In sales- any sales- no matter what type of business, there is on thing you need to do BEFORE you pitch your company or product: DETERMINE A NEED!  So many network marketers skip this step, and it leads to a dead end every time.  Or they assume their need (more money) without digging to really find out what their prospect needs!   Some people want more time, others want job freedom, and of course some want more money.  Your prospects are hungry and you have to show them that you have the cookie, but don’t give them the whole cookie at once.  Give them a little piece first and see if they bite. In other words, find out their burning need, and let them know that you have a way to fill that need.

If you are getting phone numbers and info from your prospects, but you can’t reach them when you call, or if you are showing your opportunity to lots of prospects, but not getting a lot of sign ups, then you’re pitching waaay too much, and you need to start determining your prospects needs more.

3. You’re not willing to truly invest in yourself.

Success is not built on convenience. There are so many people out there that want the rewards, but don’t want to really do what it takes.  You have to be willing to educate yourself to succeed- period.  Jump into your company and learn as much as you can.  Be a student of your business!  Listen to your mentors and seek knowledge when ever possible.  Anyone who does this is sure to stick their head out above the crowd and move forward.  You’ve heard the saying “It takes money to make money” and it’s so true.  Invest in YOU… You are your best commodity!

These are the 3 main reasons I see that most don’t succeed in network marketing.  Did I leave something out?  What do you think?  Comment Below!  I look forward to hearing from you!


Stay Classy


The Darling Hat Diva


PS. Ready to really step into PRO status with your MLM?  You have to learn to market like a pro!  Fill out your information below and find out and how!↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

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