Is FEAR Crippeling You?

fearAt some point in life you have experienced fear.  Fear can begin as early as birth, with things like the fear of loud sounds.  Then it can grow as we get older, like the fear of the dark, heights, talking in front of audiences, etc.  No matter how successful someone is- they too experience fear.  We all have them.  But how is it that some are able to over come their fears to move on in life, while others remain paralyzed in a constant state of fear?

Think about your life now.  Can you think of times that fear has held you back?  Perhaps it was moving forward in your career, but the fear of failure prevented to from trying.  Maybe it was the chance to start a promising relationship, but the fear of pain and rejection stopped you from pursuing it.  Even worse, we can sometimes project our fears on our children- like being afraid of roller coasters! There are many times that fear has probably kept you from something great.  So to tackle fear, we must look at what fear really is.

F.E.A.R= False Evidence Appearing Real.  That’s right- fear is not real.  It’s all in your mind.  You create your own fear, and thus create your own imprisonment.

There is a movie produced by Will Smith coming out entitled “After Earth”.  The story is about a father and Son who are marooned on an “Earth” that’s very different from the earth we live on now, in the year 2066.  Aside from the fact that I love both Will and Jaden Smith, one of the first quotes from the trailer is this…

Fear is not real.  It is a product of the thoughts you create.


Photo courtesy of Columbia Pictures “After Earth”

This quote speaks volumes!  If we are the creators of fear in our own mind, then that means we also have the power to stop it!  We have, and always have had, the authority to eliminate fear from our way of life!  Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean we won’t be fearful, it just means we know how to overcome fear when it moves our way.

So how do we overcome fear?  First, by changing our thought process.  Instead of always thinking of a negative outcome in any given situation, think about the positives.  Instead of thinking of  everything that could go wrong, start thinking of everything that could go RIGHT!

Next, after we have changed our thought process about fear, we have to take action.  ACTION CURES FEAR!  The more we take action and experience positive outcomes, the less fearful we become.  Think about when you learned to swim or learned to ride a bike with no training wheels.  Those activities seemed so scary at first, but the more we practiced, the more we tried, the more we received positive results- the less fearful we became.  As a matter of fact, it got easier, until was nothing but a forgotten memory.

The same concept applies now.  Take what ever you’re afraid of: fear of talking to people, fear of change, fear of rejection, fear of failure- what ever it is- and put yourself in a position to do MORE OF IT!  The more action you take against your fear, the more you will rid yourself of it.

The enemy is the owner of fear and wants you to fail.  The question is, what is your purpose in life?  Don’t you want to become the successful person that God intended you to be?  What if fear was the only thing holding you back from your true destiny- a destiny of greatness.  Stomp the enemy in the face and overcome your fears by doing the very thing your afraid of.  There’s no time like the present to start tackling your fears!

Stay Classy!


Karisa Cloutier, AKA The Darling Hat Diva!



One comment

  1. Kate says:

    Thank you so much for sharing. Finally a great read and it’s a positive article! Unfortunately there are far too many negative articles online. I pray that God will bless you beyond what you could possibly imagine!

    Thank you!

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