When you’re a diva that does it all, it can get to be a little overwhelming sometimes. You go to work, run a business, or have some sort of a career, and then you have to come home, feed the kids something edible, help with homework, and somehow find 5 minutes to yourself for a little sanity!
When your days are packed full like that, we sometimes find that other areas of our life get neglected- our sanity, our home, our health. There were times when I just wanted to scream because I had no idea how I was going to get it all done!
I was feeling that way one day quite recently, when a friend of mine offered a great suggestion from Christian motivator Terri Savelle Foy. The suggestion was to tackle things in 20 minute increments. For example, If you’re trying to get going with a new work-out schedule, don’t try to block out a whole hour just yet… start with walking or running on the treadmill for just 20 minutes! It’s not the full routine you may want, but it’s better than doing nothing at all!
My personal issue was keeping my house in order. I would come home from work, and either have a meeting scheduled or would have to get to work on my blog and social media duties. So my home was a disaster! It was so bad that I didn’t ever let anyone come over and I would make excuses as to why I had to meet them somewhere. I even had to hire a maid a couple of times just to help get caught up, but then it would result in a huge waste of money, because it would be right back to where I started in about 3 weeks.
So I started to apply the 20 minute rule each day. I would pick a room, set my timer, and only clean and/or focus on that room for a whole 20 minutes. It’s amazing how quickly things were cleaned when I stayed FOCUSED and didn’t get distracted from what I was really supposed to be doing. Slowly but surely, my house started to look presentable. The best part: I didn’t feel like I had to give up a whole day of my life to clean. It was such a small amount of time, that it didn’t feel like I was really sacrificing any time at all! It was truly a miracle! (For me anyway.)
I absolutely love this rule! But I can’t take any credit for it. I have my good friend and Terri Savelle Foy to thank. That’s why women are so versatile- because whatever we can’t figure out for ourselves, we can learn from each other!
Now think about something you’ve been wanting to do or improve on. Make a schedule for the week utilizing the 20 minute rule for that one item. Then over the next few weeks, see how it works out for you! I’m sure you’ll be as happy as I was to see your progress. Comment below or on my Facebook page and let me know how it worked for you!
Until Then, Stay Classy!
Karisa Cloutier
The Darling Hat Diva
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