How to Overcome the No Money Objection

no-money-objectionHave you ever had a prospect tell you that they love your opportunity, but just don’t have the money to get started?

If you’ve been in Network Marketing for a month, you’ve heard this at least once, if not more.  The first time I heard it I was floored.  I didn’t know what to say.  My prospect had just finished telling me this long sob story about all of his financial troubles, and it just seemed totally unfeasable for him to get started with my opportunity- right?  WRONG!

This objection is NOT the end.  There are ways around it.  As a matter of fact, in this video I give you 3 SURE FIRE ways to lead your prospect to a decision, and get 50% of your prospects to JOIN YOUR OPPORTUNITY!!!

Check it out:

Do you see yourself using some of those phrases the next time you hear the “no money” objection from a prospect?  If so let me know how it turns out!  Comment below, or feel free to drop me a message on my Facebook page.  I look forward to hearing from you!

