Whether you are online or offline, prospecting is an absolute necessary part of network marketing. I’m sure you’ve heard, the more you prospect, the more people you have to show your opportunity to, the more people you can actually sponsor in your business or will purchase your product.
From my experience is usually the weakest area of most businesses. You are probably in one of a few places right now:
1. You’re horribly terrified thinking about talking to complete strangers about your business.
2. You’ve talked to all of your friends and family about your business so there’s no one left in your warm market, and now you have to start prospecting strangers, but not sure where to start.
3. You’re not scared of prospecting strangers, as a matter of fact you’ll talk to anyone, you’re just looking to improve your results.
No matter where you are on your prospecting journey, this video is going help you IMMENSELY! This prospecting strategy is one that is severely underused, but one of the most effective that takes virtually no effort on your part. Check it out in the video below:
Here’s A Quick Way To get 10+ leads without very little effort, tHere’s A Quick Way To get 10+ leads without very little effort, technical skill, or experience!Want more prospecting tips for your business! Click here: http://mlsp.co/l2ex0
Posted by The Darling Hat Diva on Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Mind blowing right? There’s plenty more where that came from. Click the link or fill out the information below to access the full training and get 9 more prospecting tips that will explode your business!